February 26:  (Saturday) +9

February 26: (Saturday) +9

I woke up feeling blessed that those nightmarish sweats left me alone last night. I slept a little longer too. I had my blood draw this morning so we were on pins and needles waiting for the results, and if my neutrophils were high enough then I could go for my...
February 26:  (Saturday) +9

February 25: 8+ Transplant

I had another night of drama with these night sweats. I think they are trying to UNHINGE me. If only I had a ‘cap’ to fire one in the butt of that ‘night sweat commander’….! That familiar crashing headache, intense bladder pain and a...
February 26:  (Saturday) +9

February 24th: +7 Transplant

I had another night of unexpected sweats (gah, again!), constant disruptions, etc. I guess I have to get used to the idea them coming and going at whim. I realized that eight years ago today I was admitted to the ER and later hospitalized as a result of my MS. I...
February 26:  (Saturday) +9

February 22/23: +5/+6 Transplant

I have combined these days to catch up. Tuesday was largely uneventful with the exception that it was ‘22022022’. It took Fernie pointing that out for me to rise out of my dazed state to recognize the symbolism. Cool. I had a bit of a break in the intensity of all my...
February 26:  (Saturday) +9

February 21: +4 Transplant

OK, here’s my update, albeit two days behind and late in the day posting. I had to wait today for pain control to kick in for a post-spinal tap like crushing headache that hit me this morning. ___ Unfortunately, I’m not sleeping much as a side effect of the...