Misdiagnosis and Ultimate Diagnosis

Misdiagnosis and Ultimate Diagnosis

I was diagnosed in January 2014 with Relapsing Remitting MS at the University of British Columbia MS Clinic, Canada. Luckily, my current neurologist there is brilliant and I absolutely adore him. However, I was misdiagnosed in 2004 by the same clinic. Here’s the...
The Countdown To Departure

The Countdown To Departure

There are less than two weeks left until I depart for Monterrey, MX. While I’ve been organized for this trip/treatment for several months now, I still feel like there’s endless stuff to organize. Gah! I left Canada in late November and have been in the USA...
The Countdown To Departure

Background Research of HSCT

During the decision-making process of whether or not to do HSCT, I researched both science-based information, and I also sourced references from patients who had been. Luckily, some were friends of mine and others were patients at the Clinica at that time. A few...
The Countdown To Departure

Why Choose HSCT?

I first heard about aHSCT (Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant) many years ago. I began seriously looking into this fascinating approach by educating myself in the science and clinical trials behind it. It seemed like a miracle for some, stabilization for...
The Countdown To Departure

What is HSCT?

Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) is a type of bone marrow transplant that aims to ‘reset’ the immune system in people with Multiple Sclerosis. It is the immune system that is responsible for passing through the blood brain barrier, and...