February 8th

February 8th

Already I felt better seeing the sun out when I woke. I’m stoked it’s going to be heaps warmer in the days ahead too. My head felt clearer and the intense headache was way down from yesterday. AND I felt hungry. All good signs my body is recovering well from the...
February 8th

February 7th

I woke up feeling OK, but soon after developed an intense headache. 8am meds today: Dexamethasone .5mg Pantoprazole 40mg Ondansetron 8mg I also started taking Tylenol and Ibuprofen first thing for my headache. Plus, I had this really uncomfortable queasiness. I took...
February 8th

Filgrastim Shots Begin: February 6th

Wow, I feel a ton better this morning than yesterday and finally have some interest in food. I had my usual lemon water to start, along with a yummy coffee and a smoothie (vegetables/fruit/avocado). As the day wore on I better and better which made me realize how ill...
February 8th

Second Day Chemo – February 5th

For everyone reading these posts when I send them out, I realize I’m a day behind in posting what has happened. It seems easiest to dictate notes along the way during the exact day of, and then compile them the following day for posting. First let me say, how much I...