February 19 (Saturday):  +2 Transplant

February 19 (Saturday): +2 Transplant

My days are blurring one into the next. I had to look at the calendar to know I’ve been here three weeks now. I realize I am two behind in posting my blogs from my actual real time, making hard to follow. I hope to catch up this week…. As for last night, it was...
February 19 (Saturday):  +2 Transplant

February 18th: +1 Transplant

I had a much better sleep than the day before (no rocket launchers, haha!). I felt blessed with no nausea once again. I still have a few days to get through while the Cyclosphomide is working it’s ‘magic’ in my body. You have to know my fingers/toes are triple crossed...
February 19 (Saturday):  +2 Transplant

February 16: Fourth Day Chemo

I felt I needed to preface this post as I am getting comments that some of my information may be too TMI for people. Let me be clear: this blog is for pwMS (people with MS) who are considering HSCT. I think what ‘mainstreamers’ don’t realize is that...
February 19 (Saturday):  +2 Transplant

February 15th (Part II): Chemo

Meds one hour before chemo: Oral Aprepitant 120mg (anti-emetic used for acute and delayed nausea and vomiting) When we arrived at chemo centre I learned my BP was 89/45. This is a much lower BP than my usual. I guess that explained the severe morning fatigue,...
February 19 (Saturday):  +2 Transplant

February 15 (Part I): Apheresis

Even with these intense night sweats along with my bladder being too hyper-active forcing me to get up continuously, I slept better with a lot more drugs. Phew. I woke up though with a severe fatigue I hadn’t here experienced yet. For pwMS (people with MS) it’s that...