by Jenny Angus | Feb 23, 2022 | Blog Posts, HSCT Journals
OK, here’s my update, albeit two days behind and late in the day posting. I had to wait today for pain control to kick in for a post-spinal tap like crushing headache that hit me this morning. ___ Unfortunately, I’m not sleeping much as a side effect of the...
by Jenny Angus | Feb 22, 2022 | Blog Posts, HSCT Journals
This was my first night with no night sweats. What an unbelievable relief and I’m happy for the improvement. It was a much more peaceful sleep, only rising every two hours for bathroom/meds/crash/etc. 8am meds: Dexamethasone .5mg Pantoprazole 40mg Ciproflaxin 500mg...
by Jenny Angus | Feb 21, 2022 | Blog Posts, HSCT Journals
This post is a podcast that I had the honour of being part of with my brilliant and successful friend Kathy Reagan Young, owner of this past January. Kathy has MS as well, was forced from her career as a result of the disease. She has through her own...
by Jenny Angus | Feb 21, 2022 | Blog Posts, HSCT Journals
My days are blurring one into the next. I had to look at the calendar to know I’ve been here three weeks now. I realize I am two behind in posting my blogs from my actual real time, making hard to follow. I hope to catch up this week…. As for last night, it was...
by Jenny Angus | Feb 20, 2022 | Blog Posts, HSCT Journals
I had a much better sleep than the day before (no rocket launchers, haha!). I felt blessed with no nausea once again. I still have a few days to get through while the Cyclosphomide is working it’s ‘magic’ in my body. You have to know my fingers/toes are triple crossed...
by Jenny Angus | Feb 19, 2022 | Blog Posts, HSCT Journals
What an awful night. The bladder urgency was like a rocket ship launching me out of bed. I had seconds to make it to the commode beside me. Then I’d crash back to bed, but not before switching out my drenched PJ’s from the intense night sweats. I’m developing a...